Dear friend of Military History
This is my website dealing with my Tours to former Battlesites of WW2 in the European Theater Of Operations called ETO.
Since I was a kid, I was interested in soldiers and soldiers story’s. My Grandfather was in the Swiss Army during WW2 and was securing the Swiss border in a attempt to hold off a possible German attack. So, after my first visit of Normandy in 1984 with my parents,
I was addicted to the history of the the D-Day Landings of June 6, 1944. It was a time when many veterans were still alive. Now time is running out to hear the war tales of the veterans as the Greatest Generation is unfortunately a dying breed. In addition to my Normandy interest, the Battle of the Bulge became also a main subject of my study after I became a good friend of a former German Fallschirmjaeger who fought in the 15th Fallschirmjaeger Regiment. Many visits to Normandy and the Ardennes followed and I can't get enough of those tours. In the last year, I also got to research the Vosges and Alsace campaign of 1944/1945 in depth.
Anyone who set a foot on a former Battlefield will agree with me that it is always a very special experience. Furthermore, if you have a veteran touring with you who tells his story right on the field where the action took place, it will be a unforgettable event.
Enjoy History while Standing Where They Fought!